Stardew Valley Favorite Thing In Mobile

Stardew valley favorite thing

Stardew Valley mobile game was released on 24th October 2018 for android and iOS.

When you are starting the gameplay you can see the many choices which are useful for gameplay like what is your Stardew Valley favorite thing?.

So in this article, I’m trying to guide you on what you can choose in the gameplay of Stardew Valley.

At the beginning of the Stardew Valley game, you can see the character’s setting screen.

On that screen, you can choose gender, name, farm name, character dress, hairstyle, and many more.

You can also see the favorite thing on that screen. These all choices affect the gameplay of Syardew Valley, so choose wisely.

How Affect Stardew Valley Favorite Thing And Other Choices?

In the beginning, you can make a character with different colors of hairs, pants, the color skin, etc. 

You can also notice that the gender option available on that screen, gender option did not affect the gameplay it’s your choice what you want.

On that screen you can also see the option of animal preference, this option affects the stardew valley gameplay.

Animal Preference choice indicates which animal you want to choose as a pet in Cat and Dog in the upcoming gameplay of the game.

Now I m talking about the main choice which is most important in the gameplay of that game that choice is Favorite

It depends on you what your favorite thing and write on that option but now my purpose to explain the choice of Favorite thing.

I assume that your favorite thing is Apple and you write on that option, so while you starting the game then you eat stardrop that time it’s indicates that your favorite thing is apple, and apple increases your character energy.

So we can say that your favorite thing affects your character energy in the gameplay.

Why Does Stardew Valley Ask For Your Favorite Thing?

The purpose of the favorite thing in the Stardew valley game is to make the game more fun, so that’s the main reason behind the ask for a favorite thing.

If you write “Slap” in the favorite thing box then this slap thing shows in the gameplay while you eat stardrop. So it’s only for making a more interesting game.

You can also read our article on Star Wars Kotor 2 Mobile game.

Stardew Valley Favorite Thing Cheat

If you want stardew valley’s favorite thing not to affect your gameplay you can use the cheat.

You can start the gameplay with the help of ConcerendApe. Concernedape is best for you if you don’t want started valley favorite thing.

This concerendApe make a game for fun but don’t affect your gameplay while you find Stardrop.

Can You Eat More Than One Stardrop?

All stardrops are different from the different items. I mean you can get only a one-time stardrop from one source and that stardrop is unique.

If you want to stardrop to eat then you can find stardrop from another place.

So you can’t waste your time on a particular stardrop source.

How You Get Stardrop From Husband?

If you need star drops then you can get star drop from husband in the gameplay of Stardew Valley.

So You can increase the husband’s heart up to 12/12 and speak with your husband in the home.

Your husband says he enjoys the farmer life and give the star drops as a gift.

My View On Stardew Valley Favorite Thing 

According to my, Stardew Valley favorite thing is just a funny option to make the game more interesting while you eating star drops.

I hope this article will be helpful for my readers and give information about favorite things in Stardew Valley.

So If you don’t download this game for mobile then you can go to the play store and buy the game for 7.99$. I hope you like this game and enjoy it.