Why Consoles Are Better Than PC?

Consoles are better than PC

Consoles are better than PC

Many people are asking the question of why consoles are better than PC?.

 So I m trying to explain some points about consoles are better than PC in this article.

We all know that consoles are making for play games while PC is working for another purpose also.

That is why some people confused between consoles and PC to play games.

So I am writing a list of some points about consoles which are better than PC in this article, keep reading.

List of 13 Reason Why Consoles Are Better Than PC?

Now I m give you some reason why consoles are better than PC.

  • Consoles Price Affordable Than PC

If you are confused to buy between consoles and PC then I m clear that it depends on your mindset for how many currencies you can spend to play.

If you have a small budget then you must go for a buy console because it’s price affordable than PC.

Consoles price are mainly started from 200 $ to 500$ but PC price near about 700$ and other parts like keyword, mouse, graphic card have consumed more your money.

  • Play without mouse and keyboard

On PC you need a mouse and keyword to play games but in the console, you need a simple controller to control the games.
Consoles controllers are made easy gameplay while on PC keyword and Mouse little bit tough to control.

With a mouse and keyboard, only one player can play but with the help of controllers, you can play multi-player at your home.

So controllers are made consoles better than PC.

  • Play on the TV screen

Consoles are mostly played on the scythe screens as a large size screen with high resolution and pixels than PC.
While you play games on a console with a TV at that time you can play from your bed or sofa like a comfort zone.

But on the PC you can sit on a chair and be tired after some time. So you can play extra time on a console than the PC.

  • Upgrade game easy than pc

Consoles games are easily available to play in the market but PC games have hard to find.
When the game company upgrades the game at that time you can sell console games easily and buy a new cd.

On the other side, PC games are hardly available and, sometimes PC games files are corrupted and don’t work properly.

Sometimes that things also happened to me while I want to buy game disc in the shop

  • Play with family at home

On the PC games, only one player plays the game because of one keyword and mouse.
On the other side consoles have 4 controllers and 4 family members are played together in one game and enjoy.
So if your family members are also game lovers then I recommend console to play games.
  • Easy to play and install than pc

Consoles games are easily installed and start to play but PC games need time to install.
Sometimes PC games have corrupted files and it takes a lot of time and does n’ doe isn’t properly.
On the other side consoles game early start for play in some seconds while you insert the game disc. So consoles games will save your time and entertain you.
  • Many types of consoles

Many types of consoles are present in the gaming market. Consoles are playing on TV and also available on handheld consoles.
All consoles have different prices from the cheapest consoles to a little bit expensive but not expensive than PC.
If you can be bored with one console you can change it because of the affordable prices.
On the other side, you can buy a PC that has easily change because it’s the price that is highly expensive than consoles.
So it depends on you how much money you can afford to buy a PC or consoles.

If you want to know about Nintendo switch lite console then you can click on this link Nintendo switches lite console.

So here you all know about that console.

  • Consoles games work without errors

Consoles games are work properly while you buy a new CD of games but on PC sometimes games files have errors and corrupted files.
In PC games CD  is full of many modes of files available and it’s damages functions of the game.
So consoles games save your time but PC games consume your time to install and don’t work properly.
So it’s clear that consoles are better than PC.
  • Latest games come” first on a console than pc

Many game companies prefer first game launch on consoles than they work to launch on PC.
For example GTA 5 launch for PlayStation 4 after that this game is available for PC.
So gaming companies recommended consoles before the PC.
  • Online games expensive on PC than consoles

Online games are easily available for consoles to play. On the other side, PC games are hardly available, and if it’s available at a high price.
So if you have a low budget to enjoy games then I recommend consoles to play games.
  • Consoles games work smoothly than pc

Consoles games are smoothly run while you are playing. On the other side PC, games are lag while you play.
Sometimes PC games show connection error or connecting issues but the internet works properly.
In console games, you can’t face lagging issues and connection issues.
  • Consoles are made for gaming purpose

We all know that consoles are made to play games. On the other side, PC makes works also.
I mean consoles’ internal parts are fully compatible with playing games. But PC has made for many functions to do.
So PC the as different internal parts compared to consoles.
Consoles have a graphic card to improve the game’s visualization on PC it’s not necessary your PC has a graphic card or not.
It depends on you,  you want a graphic card or not. Graphics card improves the quality of your game.
If you want a graphic card for your PC then this available at a high price. So you should play games on consoles.
  • Consoles Easy to carry from one place to another

Consoles are very light in weight while PC has heavyweight easily moved from one place to another due to lighter in wet.

You can get your console in a bag and go to travel anywhere.

But if you have a PC that you can’t carry the PC from one place to another.  So you can only PC use at home.

So my advice that if you like to travel then you have a handheld console for entertainment in buses or any vehicle.

My Review On Consoles are Better than PC

According to my, consoles are very affordable than PC so I like to buy the console.

If you have money and you want to make a gaming PC then you can go for a gaming computer.

So it depends on you, what you want. If you have money to build a PC for only gaming purposes then you go for that.

If your budget can’t afford a gaming PC then you go to buy a console. Xbox and ps4 are very popular console today.

So you can go with those consoles.

If you can’t afford Xbox and ps4 then you can go for Nintendo switch lite.

Because Nintendo switch lite is low in price and it’s a handheld console for gaming lovers.

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What are the effects of violent video games?

Effects of violent video games

Effects of violent video games

Many hours are coming for the negative effects of violent video games on violent video game lovers.

Psychological doctors are saying that because of violent video games, aggressive behavior increase in teen-ages.

Because of the aggressive nature of children decreasing their prosocial help. They are rudeness behavior with their parents and less talk to other people.

This kind of thing happened with the effects of violent video games reason.

Violence in video games study shows that playing violent video games can increase aggression in thoughts, feelings, and behavior. According to my, aggressive behavior doesn’t be a full reason to increase violence.

Violent video games didn’t make you a criminal and don’t force you to crime. Violent video games mostly affect children ages 10 to 18 years old.

So it’s the parents’ responsibility to take care of their children.

So many studies show that violent video games mostly affect youth and I describe the effects of violent video games on youth in this content so keep reading.

What Are The Effects Of Violent Video Games On Youth?

In most cases, we can see the youth’s passion for playing violent video games. But violent video games gave negative effects on the youth.

Youth players mostly like to play action games and shooting games.

If in gameplay only violence like kill an enemy that makes more aggressive the player.

But in gameplay have some action with a story that makes a positive effect on youth.

Most of the games are more difficult to play their levels. The most difficult levels will be frustrating for the children and he will behave rudely with the parents and others.

In some games gangster fighting stories are available. This kind of game inspired and thinking youth to become that kind of person and role the territory.

That’s kind of games wrongly effect on children and my advice to parents to keep eyes on their children.

Most of the game’s storyline is based on drugs, alcohol, and guns that games also wrongly affect youth’s minds.

So we can say that violent video games mostly negative effects on youth.

What Happens If You Play Violent Video Games?

When you play violent video games mostly that kind of game impacts psychological on your mind.
While you play that kind of game your mind always thought about only gaming-related topics and doesn’t want to talk to others.


Most of the game players are spent much time playing games and it’s maybe depressed after some time.

That’s kind of game can’t help to increase your brain growth because these kinds of games have less knowledge and the most aggressive and killing stories.

When you play violent video games that time your behavior changes to aggressive and when you lose your game’s mission then you rudely behavior with your parents.

That’s a type of thing are I m also facing while I m losing games that my personal experience.

Can Video Games Make You Violent?

According to my, video games make you aggressive but playing games do not make you a criminal.

So it’s never meaning that video games make you violent. I think video games change your nature from polite to aggressive.

So it’s wrong myth video games make you violent.

I think mostly that’s kind of games badly affect children. If you are a mature person then it’s just an entertaining purpose game.

If children play violent games then it impacts their minds.

List Of Negative Effects Of Violent Video Games

List of negative effects of violent video games following are:


  • Impact On Eyes Health 

Violent video games are mostly based on shooting and aim gameplay.

When you try to find your enemy then your eyes worked hard to find them then you can shoot your enemies.

If you spent many hours on that kind of game then it’s harming your eyesight.


  • Inspire Youth To Play

Violent video games mostly inspire children and teenagers. At those ages, children don’t know what is good for them or not.

Even parents can’t have time to watch their children’s activities. So that could change the negative personality in children’s future.

So maybe it’s not good for  their habits


  • Inspire To Make Violence In Youth Mind 

Video games and violence are connected because when youth play violent video games that time violent games control their thoughts and inspire youth to take violent actions.
Youth players mostly play that kind of game in a separate room but it’s wrong for youth.


  • Inspire To Social Isolation From The Non-Gamers

Violent video games affect the player to isolate themselves from the world because of their content and addiction.

Players of that kind of game talk to like only those people who like the same games and the same topics.

Players only talk to their online game friends and far from the real world. So it impacts players’ personalities.

  • Violent Video Games Become Like an Addiction 

Violent video gameplay is very intense and players forget time to how many times they were playing and it’s become an addiction.

While you are in addition to violent video games then you forget all your important work and it’s wrong for your health.

Because of addiction, you can forget food to eat so that’s the bad thing for you.

  • Weight Gaining 

Violent video games players spent most of the time playing. They don’t do hard work or fit their body.
When you are sitting for hours your body gaining weight.
You don’t want to exercise and fit your body because of play games continuously.
So we can say that violent video games will be gain your body weight.


  • Sleep Disruption 

Due to violent video games, children’s sleep disruption is increased. Because of many hours play that kind of game overnight it affects sleep disruption.

Many players are play games after 9 pm because at that time many other players are also free but because of it, players forget to sleep and play overnight.

Overnight play games are not good for health also.

  • Cause Of Injuries 

Most of the time players are frustrated by losing a game. Sometimes they have hurt themselves and get injured.

Sitting posture is also effect while players are play games for a long time on chairs and beds.

List Of Positive Effects Of Violent Video Games 

List of positive effects of violent video games following are:

  • Improve concentration

Violent video games have also positive effects on game players. Most of the violent video games have shooting content.

When you are focusing on aiming and keep practicing then it helps to improve your concentration.

While you play violent video games you find the enemy’s position and kill him that thing also improves your concentration.

  • Improve Thinking Power 

Violent video games have many missions and their different stories. So that things help to improve thinking power.

While you thinking about how the mission solves and what happened next that things help to improve thinking power.

  • Improve Decision Making Abilities 

Violent video games are very good for teenagers. Violent video games improve the decision ability of teenagers. 

In violent games, you have to face different situations and those situations problems only solve by your decision during any mission of the game.

So while in you game you easily decide but is better for you, it’s also same happens in real life and you get a strong decision on that time also.

  • Improve Your Memory 

Violent video games also help players to increase their memories. In games, you face many kinds of quests and that’s quest helps you to for improving your memory.

My View On Effects Of Violent Video Games 

According to my, violent video games have both effects positive or negative, so you can neglect the negative effects by improving yourself.

I mean if you play one-hour daily games it gives you positive results but if you play many hours so it gives you negative effects.

The decision is yours what you want positive effects or negative. I hope you understand my opinion and enjoy the games.

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