How To Recruit Lump The Enlightened BG3 Astarion Approval

Lump the Enlightened, a hulking ogre with surprisingly sophisticated tastes, is a memorable encounter in Baldur’s Gate 3.

 Not only does he offer unique combat support, but his presence in your party can significantly impact Astarion’s approval rating, the enigmatic vampire companion. 

But recruiting Lump The Enlightened BG3 Astarion Approval happy isn’t straightforward.

 This guide will navigate you through the intricacies of this encounter, ensuring you secure Lump the enlightened bg3 astarion approval.

Finding Lump The Enlightened BG3

lump the enlightened bg3 astarion approval

Lump resides in the dank tunnels beneath the Blighted Village. 

You’ll encounter him shortly after meeting Astarion, trapped by a swarm of intellect devourers. Here, you have three options:

Attack the intellect devourers

Attack the intellect devourers is the most straightforward approach, but it can earn you Lump’s distrust and make recruitment harder. Astarion won’t mind this, but it won’t gain you any approval points either.

Deceive the intellect devourers

 If you have a high Deception skill, you can convince the devourers that Lump is their leader, sending them scurrying away. This earns you Lump’s gratitude and a temporary boost in Astarion’s approval.

Use a spell or ability For Gain Trust Of Lump The Enlightened BG3 Astarion Approval

lump the enlightened bg3 astarion approval

Certain spells like “Speak with Animals” or abilities like “Animal Handling” can allow you to communicate with the devourers and convince them to leave peacefully. This also gains Lump’s trust and Astarion’s approval.

Recruiting Lump The Enlightened BG3 Astarion Approval

Once the devourers are dealt with, Lump will reveal his predicament: he’s been banished from his clan due to his “enlightened” views. Here, your dialogue choices determine his fate:

Offer him a place in your party

This is the key to recruiting Lump. He’ll be hesitant initially, but you can persuade him by appealing to his desire for adventure or offering him a chance to prove his worth. Persuasion checks can further improve your chances. Astarion approves of this decision, granting you a significant approval boost.

Dismiss him

lump the enlightened bg3 astarion approval

This option earns you Astarion’s disapproval, as he views Lump as a potential source of entertainment and chaos. However, it allows you to move on without the hassle of managing an ogre companion.

Deceive or exploit him

You can trick Lump into giving you his War Horn, a rare item that allows you to summon him later. However, this approach earns you Astarion’s strong disapproval and damages your relationship with the ogre.

Keeping Astarion Happy

While recruiting Lump is important for Astarion’s approval, certain actions throughout the game can further affect their relationship:

Allow Astarion to feed on Lump

 This is a delicate matter. While Astarion will gain temporary satisfaction from draining Lump’s blood, it damages their long-term bond and earns you Astarion’s disapproval.

Support Lump’s “enlightened” views

Astarion finds Lump’s philosophical ramblings amusing. Engaging in discussions and encouraging Lump can gain you Astarion’s approval.

Avoid antagonizing Lump The Enlightened BG3 Astarion Approval

Lump can be easily provoked. If your actions cause him to become enraged or turn hostile, it will negatively impact Astarion’s perception of you.

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Maximizing Lump The Enlightened BG Astarion 3 Approval

lump the enlightened bg3 astarion approval

For those aiming to maximize Astarion’s approval and reap the benefits of Lump’s companionship:

  • Recruit Lump using dialogue options that appeal to his desire for adventure or proving himself.
  • Avoid exploiting or tricking Lump, as this earns Astarion’s disapproval.
  • Allow Astarion to engage in playful banter or lighthearted discussions with Lump, but avoid condoning violent actions towards the ogre.
  • Remember, Astarion enjoys the chaos and entertainment Lump brings, so embrace the unpredictable nature of having an ogre in your party.

Tips For Lump The Enlightened BG3 Astarion Approval

Lump can be equipped with armor and weapons, so don’t neglect his gear.

His War Horn can be used to summon him in combat, even after dismissing him initially.

Certain companions, like Lae’zel, might have different reactions to Lump’s presence. Be prepared to manage these interactions for a smoother experience.

By carefully navigating the recruitment process and understanding Astarion’s motivations, you can secure Lump’s companionship and gain the favor of the enigmatic vampire.

 Remember, Baldur’s Gate 3 is about choices and consequences, so embrace the chaos and enjoy the unique dynamics this unlikely duo brings to your adventure!

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