Pokemon Go Fest Seattle Oasis Habitat Collection Challenge And Rewards 2022

Pokemon Go Fest Seattle 2022 has started.

Now players from all over the world will be able to win many rewards by participating in pokemon go fest seattle oasis habitat challenge.

Pokemon Go Fest Seattle 2022 event is happening in many cities across the world like Berlin, Sapporo, Seattle etc.

Many Pokemon Go players would like to attend this event, but will not be able to go.

But you will get a chance to win some rewards after this event sitting at home.

If you want to win the rewards, you have to complete the Pokemon Go Fest Seattle Oasis Habitat Collection challenge.

Pokemon Go Fest Seattle Oasis Habitat Collection Challenge

The Oasis Habitat Collection challenge title is directly telling us that this challenge will have a water-type Pokemon related challenge.

The list of Pokemons included in the Pokemon Go Fest Seattle Oasis Habitat collection challenge is as follows:

  • Slowpoke
  • Krabby
  • Staryu
  • Qwilfish
  • Mantine
  • Clamperl

These six Pokemon are likely to be found in the forest and water.

Catching these Pokemons is as easy as you catch other Pokemons.

When you find one of these six Pokemons, you can use Pokemon throw Ball at that Pokemon to catch it.

As soon as you catch the listed Pokemons, a tick mark will be placed on the Oasis Habitat collection challenge page.

Pokemon Go Oasis Habitat Collection Challenge Rewards

Pokemon Go Oasis Habitat Collection challenge rewards are as follows:

  • x2022 Stardust
  • x2 Pinap Berries
  • Panpour encounter
  • +1 to the Elite Collector medal

Out of these four rewards, the Panpour Encounter reward is the best.

Panpour will be available in a shiny form and this reward will only be available to players from America and Greenland.

This Ponpour Encounter reward will have the advantage that many players who are unable to catch Ponpour will get a chance to catch Ponpour with this reward.

Since it is a reward encounter and not a wild encounter, there is no way for it to run away to prevent the Pokemon Casey trainer from catching it.

The Pokemon Go Fest Seattle Oasis Habitat Collection challenge will end in two days.

If you want to get the oasis habitat pokemon go reward then you have to complete this challenge before 24 July 2022.

Because this challenge will end on 24th July by 8pm.

So spend your time on Pokemon Go to complete this challenge soon.
