Steam Deck New Valve’s Handheld Gaming PC Review

7Now Valve company is enter in gaming industry with their “Steam Deck” product.

Steam Deck is a handheld gaming device to play games.

Rember The Steam Deck isn’t just a handheld gaming device but it’s like a Gaming PC.

Because this Valve product is easily connected with a monitor or TV.

In this device, you can also use a mouse, keyboard, and windows.

Steam Deck has many unique features which make difference from other handheld consoles.

List Of Steam Deck’s Unique Features

I listed some unique features of Steam Deck following are:

  • Steam Deck has theirs on an operating system which is supported the windows game.
  • Steam Deck system can resume and suspend the game.
  • Steam Deck system supports some new AMD graphics features.

I am sure you become a fan of this new handheld pc console.

When does the Steam Deck Release?

The Steam Deck will be released on 25th February of 2022, which is announced by Valve officially.

Remember, on that date Steam Deck will be getting those customers who did pre-order for this handheld pc console.

On 25th February Valve will be starting e-mailing everyone who pre-ordered a Steam Deck.

If you are lucky and you get that email you have only 72 hours to confirm the order otherwise Valve gives chances to another queue.

On 28th February Valve will be starting a new batch of e-mails.

The Steam Deck is only available for US, Canada, UK, and European countries.

But Valve will be also focussing on the countries when they have enough Steam Deck will be available for other countries.

How Much Does A Steam Deck Cost?

If you want to buy Steam Deck then you are want to know about the cost of this Valve product.

The price of Steam Deck will depend on the choice of your like which type of version you want.

The version of Steam Deck is based on the three different sizes of storage.

If you want 64 GB version you have to buy it for $399, If you want to buy the 256GB version then you can buy it for $529, if you want to 512GB Version then you have to pay around $649.

Now if you want to get advanced and expensive version of Steam Deck then you can go with faster NVMe storage.

So basically price of Steam Deck depends on your choice.

Steam Deck Specifications

Valve has already revealed the specifications of Steam Deck.

According to Valve company, this console has a 7-inch screen.

The most amazing specification of steam Deck is a chip of Steam Deck built around 2 key AMD architectures like Zen 2 and RDNA 2.

The Steam Deck will come with 8 compute units for a total number of 512 cores.

The performance of Steam Deck will be different in all three versions of Steam Deck.

512 GB will be the big version of this handheld and in this version, you can add a speedy NVMe SSD which is increase the bandwidth.

256GB version is very smooth but this version has less storage space.

64GB version will be don’t much have speed because this version won’t be a speedy NVMe SSD, but this version will become the best console as compared to other companies’ handheld Consoles.

I hope my review on Steam Deck will be helpful for you.

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