Valorant New Game In 2020

Valorant is the new launching  game for computer gaming users in year 2020. Valorant is the first person shooter game. This game is a multi-player game.


Valorant game is developed and published by Riot games. This game is developed on Unreal Engine 4 gaming engine.

Valorant beta version was came in 7 April 2020 but this beta version had limited access to the users. But now Valorant game is available in full version.

I means that this game is now available for  Microsoft windows. Valorant release date is 2 June 2020 with full version.

So now you can Valorant download for your PC from click on Valorant Download Site .

I hope you are think about to Valorant download. So I want to tell you about valorant game.

In this content I share gameplay of this game and hepls you how to play valorant game.

Gameplay Of Valorant

Volrant is the shooting based game so valorant gameplay is full of action. In the gameplay of valorant you can play 5vs5 multi-players.

In main mode you can play as attacking team player and as defending team player. In this main mode you can play 25 rounds to win.

In gameplay of valorant first team try to win 12 rounds and after 12 rounds defending team change to attacking team.

Valorant attacking team have bomb devices for plant on the site. If attacking team protects their spikes in 100 seconds than they get the points in the round.

If defending team defuse their spikes in 100 Seconds that time defending team get points.

If the all players of your team eliminate by opponent than that’s point also goes to their opponent team.

If both team win 12-12 rounds that time one extra round to give you for decide whose team win.

Valorant have one extra mode in this gameplay called ” Spike Rush Mode”. In this mode you can play only seven rounds.

If any team win 4 rounds than they win the match.

Now main exited point of this game is that this game have different characters with different abilities.

That characters helps game to more exited while you play this game. So now I write the characters details in this game play.

List of Valorant Characters

Valorant have elevan characters in gameplay and each character have different abilities. Before I list that characters and their abilities  I tell you that each character have three main abilities.

One ability of character is unique in ultimate ability, the second ability is the signature ability of each character and third is purchasing ability.

You can earn ultimate ability from Kill the enemy and complete objectives. Signature ability is the different signature move of each character. You can also purchase some abilities from valorant game store.

Now I list eleven characters of valorant game.

  1. Phoenix
  2. Jett
  3. Viper
  4. Brimstone
  5. Breach
  6. Raze
  7. Reyna
  8. Omen
  9. Cypher
  10. Sage
  11. Sova

Now I write on different abilities of characters in valorant gameplay.

1. Phoenix

Phoenix is the attacking character in the gameplay of valorant. Phoenix using the Flame ability to heal him.

This character has a blaze ability and a curveball ability to take down the opponents.

Phoenix also have Run it Back ability. This ability helps to the Phoenix for respawn on the current mark location while your character Phoenix die.

2. Jett

Jett character is specialize  in assassination and mobility. This character can dash in short distance to caught up the enemies and escape from the dangerous situation.

Jett also have cloudburst ability which helps the jett with throw the cloud of fog which impact on the visions of enemies and jett also used jump upwards ability.

Jett using Blade Storm ability which is help to damage the enemies with throwing knife on enemies and if that knives target on the head of enemies than its direct kill the enemy.

3. Viper

Viper character is based on the poisoned kind of character. This character used the line of gas which is creat a wall of toxic gas.

Viper character is also able for exploid the pool of acid and damage the enemies.

Viper also used the cloud of gas which is make a fog. Toxic cloud is covers a large area  and highlights the enemies in that cloud for viper.

4. Brimstone

Brimstone Character is like a tactical commando which is target the nearby location to call the players in the beacon with the help of stim beacon ability.

Brimstone use the smokes for obstacles to enemies vision. For use this ability you can set the location where you want to target the smoke and launch it.

Brimstone also use grenade for damage the enemies health. Brimstone also launch the orbital strike which is damage the enemies for several seconds.

5. Breach

Breach is like a beast in the gameplay of valorant and Breach character is good in the valorant.

Breach is use blasts in the line, if you want to increase the distance of blasts line you can hold the firing for long time and release it for blasts.

Breach uses fusion charge which is damage with firing burst through the wall.

Breach is also uses blinding charge which is blind the enemies, you can set the that charge on wall and that charge blind the enemies on the other side of wall.

6. Raze

Raze is the new character after the vita version in valorant game. Raze using a clusters grenades for damage the enemies.

Raze using a boom bot ability which is like robots and that robots goes in straight line and bounce on the walls for detect the enemies for damage.

Raze is also using rockets for give massive damage to the enemies.

7. Reyna

Reyana character is looks like a vampire in the gameplay.

Reyna using Dismiss ability which helps the character to invisible for small duration. Reyna also using the power for blind the enemies.

Reyna is also able to increasing reloaded speed and firing speed of the weapon.

8. Omen

Omen character is using powers as a shadow which is easily teleport from one place to another in the map. 

Omen using a dark cover ability which is like a bursts into a sphere of shadow for increasing the distance. 

Omen is make a shadow in line to blind the enemies when that enemies touch with omen’s shadow.

While you play with omen character you can choose the one place in the map for teleport, but you will be appear as a shadow on that location and you can kill by the enemies, you can also cancel the unsuccessful teleport.

9. Cypher

Cypher is like a spy character which is gathering intelligence for trap the enemies.

Cypher using a spycam ability which is make video and track the enemies.

Cypher also used trapwire between two walls and it’s triggered when enemies touch with that trapwire. 

Cypeher make a remote control cage and that cage trap the enemies.

10. Sage

Sage is good in support for the other characters. Sage have abilities for heal the your team members.

Sage have ability to rotate the walls with using Barrier Orb ability. Sage is also used slow orb ability which is slow the enemies in the slowing field and you can caught the enemies.

11. Sova

Sova character is good in giving information about enemies positions to their team members.

Sova using racon ability which is help to revealed the position of enemies.

You can also used owl drone ability with this character which drone is identified the location of enemies in the map and you can fire the dart which is highlight the enemies positions.

Sova also used explosive bolt which is clear the boxes and corners.

I hope this knowledge will be helpful for you regarding all characters in valorant game.


Floper King: